Who is this single coaching session for?

If you are looking for a quick fix to a specific problem or to create a strategy to overcome a challenge.

Does this sound familiar?

  • Feeling stuck or stagnant in your personal or professional life?
  • Do you have a lack of clarity or direction in achieving your goals and aspirations?
  • Do you have difficulty in making important decisions or taking action towards your desired outcome?
  • Are you struggling with work-life balance or time management?
  • Do you suffer from low self-esteem, low- confidence, or low motivation?
  • Is it difficult to maintain healthy boundaries?
  • Do you feel fear of failure or uncertainty about the future?
  • Do you feel like you need guidance in identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns?

What Can a Life Coach Help With?

7 Problems We Can Solve

1) Feeling stuck

2) Finding your purpose

3) Self-Doubt and Lack of Confidence

4) Imposter Syndrome

5) Setting Boundaries

6) Achieving Goals

7) Overcoming Worry

Achieve your breakthrough in 45 minutes

In this 1 on 1 private coaching session, we will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to overcome whatever obstacle you might be facing right now.

We will show you another perspective, and in only one session together you will see things differently, allowing you to see options that you couldn't see before.

Our Reviews

The solution: 45 minutes of coaching 1:1

In this 45-minute session, we will cover the most important aspect for you - the biggest challenge you are currently facing or anything else that you would like to bring up for us to help you overcome or achieve. The session will be conducted via Zoom, and your life coach will guide you through powerful questions that will help you see things from a completely different perspective before the session ends. We will shift from seeing the situation as a problem to viewing it as an opportunity for learning, growth, and evolution. So, get ready for a transformational experience in just one 45-minute life coaching session!

Our coaching sessions are tailored to your individual needs and we work together to create an actionable plan that works for you.

Just imagine if you could...

Gain a clear understanding of what truly matters in your life, and confidently trust your capability to achieve your desired outcome.

You can now enjoy your time pursuing activities that resonate with your values and interests, without being burdened by stress or anxiety.

Maximize your potential by utilizing your unique talents and skills, and accomplish fulfilling and rewarding goals that align with your personal vision of success.

Feel empowered and motivated by the endless possibilities that await you, with the assurance that taking the next step is both effortless and definitive.

With the guidance of a professional coach and access to mindset tools and action plans, you can maintain focus and accountability, while being supported and encouraged every step of the way.



After just one session, you can expect to

  • Gain clarity on your goals and aspirations
  • Identify any limiting beliefs or obstacles that are holding you back
  • Develop a strategy to overcome challenges and achieve your goals
  • Feel empowered to take action and make positive changes in your life

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We give back to the Community of KingstonJamaica

WE GIVE BACK by donating a percentage of our proceeds to the Sabali Angels Foundation, to help underprivileged children in Jamaica reach their full potential.

By joining our coaching programs, you not only transform your life but also empower the next generation.

Thanks to you this is possible!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your first appointment.

Who are the coaches?

Our coaches are internationally trained and certified by ICF, from different Universities, and Institutes worldwide. They are experts in the field of personal and professional development, with at least 5 years of experience and a deep understanding of the complexities of the human mind, emotions, and behaviors. They have studied extensively in areas such as psychology, behavioral science, communication, personal and professional development, finance, sales, business, and coaching.

What is Better Life Empowerment?

BLE is a company that offers expert coaching and guidance to help you achieve personal and professional growth.

What kind of results can I expect from your coaching session?

The results of a 1 on 1 life coaching session can vary depending on your actual mindset and awareness. Still, you'll feel like something shifted after a 45 minutes session.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.